First Overlord Trailer Is Full Of Nazi Zombies And AC/DC

Overlord smiling Nazi zombie with rotting face

For a while now, the project known as Overlord has been a bit of a mystery over at the Paramount lot. With a vague premise involving Nazi medical experiments uncovered as the D-Day invasion is raging on, not much was known about J.J. Abrams' next big film as a producer. That changes today, as the first trailer has been unveiled, and it's full of undead Nazis and an AC/DC soundtrack! Rock on yourself, through the trailer below.

Overlord sees a group of American soldiers stranded behind enemy lines, after being shot down by German anti-aircraft guns. But what starts as an episode of Band of Brothers turns into something straight out of Call of Duty's Nazi Zombies mode, as our intrepid crew (full of rising stars such as Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell, and Mathilde Ollivier) find themselves in a little village with a big secret. A secret that's tapping into some dangerous stuff, in the name of Hitler's thousand-year Reich.

To compare Overlord to Activision's famous video game experience is a compliment in the highest sense of the word. Director Julius Avery's horror thriller looks to have taken the basic bones of the Nazi Zombies experience and turned it into a rip-roaring horror/action hybrid. It could just be the editing of the trailer, but watching Overlord sell its overall product is a sight to behold. Not to mention, it's a treat for the ears, as someone finally decided to dig a little deeper into the AC/DC catalog and pull "Hell's Bells" out to really tie this trailer together.

Sadly, it still looks like Overlord is, in fact, not a Cloverfield movie. Which is a shame, considering what we've just seen looks like it'd fit into the universe as organically as fellow whisper candidate A Quiet Place would have. Come to think of it, with that point in mind, it feels like Paramount is dead set on reinventing itself as a genre-friendly home. In a year that's given us The Cloverfield Paradox, as well as John Krasinski's directorial debut of horrors, Overlord feels like another step towards crowd-pleasing adventure for the recently beleaguered studio. And if this film lives up to even half of the potential it's shown us, there's a chance that this could be a breakout hit of the fall.

Overlord puts its zombies where its mouth is on November 9th. However, if you want to scare up even more fun throughout 2018, take a look at this year's release schedule to see what's lurking in the shadows.

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Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.